Friday, November 2, 2007

Standing on the Promises...

The other day something poked my brain and said, "God never breaks His promises."

Well...that's obvious.

Don't stop there, though! Think upon that statement for a moment...

Well, He's God. If He broke any of His promises...He can't break His promises, it's against His nature to do so, right?

Right. Why do humans break promises? The answer is obvious. We are fallen. Humans keep their promises sometimes, though. Also, we waffle when it comes time to keep a promise. Other times, it is physically impossible for us to keep a promise. I can tell my English teacher that I will turn in my paper online before the midnight deadline. Let's say that my computer crashes and I can't turn it in. Technically, I broke the promise. Did I choose to break it? No.

Stop there for a moment.

God cannot break His promises. Do you think He can be indecisive with them and even think about breaking them? Do you think a technical issue can keep Him from fulfilling a promise?

No. That's why we can stand on the promises of God.

Standing on the promises that cannot fail,

When the howling storms of doubt and fear assail,

By the living Word of God I shall prevail,

Standing on the promises of God.

1 comment:

Unknown said...


And Praise God.