Wednesday, June 24, 2009

So Long, Farewell...

In exactly one week I will kiss the civilian world "goodbye" for at least the next nine years. It's funny, in a strange sort of way, to think how my point of view will be different from the one I have held for the past eighteen years. When I look at myself and try to see what I have done in order to prepare for what is to come, the temptation to flounder and get those nasty butterflies in my un-worked lower abdomen is strong. But when I look back at my past and the events surrounding me, I can see little things that point to God's sovereignty and His method of preparing me for what He knows I am going to struggle through. I see family, friends, organizations, camps, schoolwork, etc. Even the seemingly inane events, such as assisting in a car accident scene before the emergency crews arrived, stand out in my mind. Those individuals present in my life, whether they be complete stooges or upright persons, have all played a part in this and I thank God for that (whether I thank those persons is another story...). Even while I write this my anticipation has grown. I am excited about the opportunity to work with fellow Navy folks through academics, physical activities (Competitive spirits will abound! Huzzah!), and moral development.

My time this summer will be spent in seven weeks of the equivalent of Navy basic training. This means three phone calls and practically no internet, which I think will be good for me. Please (please) write letters, for it is the third highest form of human communication. I promise that I will seek opportunities to write back, even if my handwriting cannot be read.

Let it rise about the four winds
Caught up in the heavenly sound
Let praises echo from the towers of cathedrals
To the faithful gathered underground
Of all the songs sung from the dawn of creation
Some were meant to persist
Of all the bells rung from a thousand steeples
None rings truer than this...

It's all God's children singing
Glory, glory, hallelujah
He reigns, He reigns!



MorganC said...

WOW! That must have been a really tough summer to get through. I didn't really understand what was involved with being in the Naval Academy...but it obviously requires a very special calling to step up and do something like you. I know it is gonna be a battle for you to get through everything, and I'll be praying for ya! I'm sure you'll learn lots, and have many memories in the near future to share with friends and family! My grandpa was in the Navy, and the few stories my dad told me about him were priceless. Keep your focus on the calling, and your strength in Christ, and everything will fall perfectly in place. Have a Merry Christmas Benny boo Bob! lol

P.S. I finally now have a friend who is in the navy (yay!)...I know someone in the airforce and army as well, and the rivalry cracks me up. I am scared to pick a side, so more power to all of you guys! =)

劉淑芬 said...
