Sunday, May 27, 2007

"If I only had a brain..."

For those of you who went to the conference talent show on Friday night, think back to the moment when the announcer (who was pretty cool) asked the crowd if he should sing.

Some of the Crowd: Yes!
The Rest of the Crowd: No!
Announcer: What should I sing?
Man near front row: "If I Only Had a Brain"! (which was played earlier in the show)

For those of you who heard that, I want to lie to you and say that I don't know who that guy was. I cannot. All I can say is that he is a close relative.

Anyways, it was almost (dare I say it) sad to be at the graduation ceremony. In three hundred and something days I will be up there along with several other friends. We'll eventually go our own ways, doing what we are all called to do in many places across this world. I just hope that our friendships will stay together for the rest of our life here on earth (Christian Worldview Institute for Seniors!). That brings me to another totally random thought.

Isn't it cool that we don't have to worry about never seeing each other again?

It's awesome.

The final, blood pressure-raising thought of the day revolves around Memorial Day. I am currently taking a college algebra class this summer at the community college (no matter what your placement scores are you have to take college algebra before doing pre-cal). I have class tomorrow, and so do the regular public schools. For MLK Day, nobody had school. You all know that I'm not racist or anything, but Memorial Day is more important than MLK Day anytime. Memorial Day is about remembering those who have fought for our country and basic freedoms for all people, all over the world. Every single one of them.



Allie said...

haha. Did the guy actually sing that number? The thought of graduation is bittersweet for me. I am curious to find out all that will happen over the years, but I know that once high school is over things change. Friends scatter all over, and it's hard to stay in touch. Yes, we should start a Christian Worldview Institute for Seniors!!!! :)

Finally, the whole classes on Memorial day is irritating. Several of my close friends are either in Iraq or Afghanistan, on leave back home, or getting ready to go over there. It makes me so upset that our country doesn't honor them. I mean, they are giving their lives even as I write this for this country's freedom.

Peter Calamy said...

Completely with you on the Memorial Day/MLK Day, buddy, but you already knew that.

And I like to think that at least some of the friendships among TCCers will stand the test of time, and I'm pretty confident they will.