Thursday, July 12, 2007

We got a leak to starboard...

Some big decisions are being made...which means that actions based on those decisions are bound to be important.

I have come to realize certain things in my life that need to be changed.

I have always taken pride in my love of cars. That's right, I obsessed over a stupid inanimate object and my knowledge of it was a little badge that said, "Ask me, I can help and make myself look like a smart-A in the process..."

It got so bad that it was driving my conversations with certain people.

"Oh, did you here about the new Lotus..." and then take the conversation from there. That's lame. A stupid car should not be what holds your relationship together.

I have also been slow to listen and quick to speak. To act in such a way is not only immature, but also a bad way of communicating with people. In fact, it affects our spiritual lives as well. If we don't take time to listen to people and keep our mouths shut, who's to say that we are going to stop and listen to God?

I am sorry for acting so foolishly in the past. I ask your forgiveness and that you continue to hold me accountable in the future.


frugalhsmom said...

I'm often guilty of acting without thinking. This makes me overreact. Which ends up hurting my best friends. heh...
It's prayers that pull me through it.
I'm praying for ya bro! You'll get through this.
Talk to me if you need anything.


Daphne said...

"It got so bad that it was driving my conversations with certain people."

I hope that was accidental.

In all seriousness, though, I am praying for you.

Allie said...

I'll be praying. If you need anything, lemme know.