Sunday, May 6, 2007

To be "random"...

My dad and I sometimes have the most random yet "interesting" discussions. One day, we were waiting for the cold-air intake filter to dry. On the Neon, the intake is so big that you have to take it off at the throttle body. To prevent junk from getting into the system, we just put a dirty sock over the throttle body.

Me: So if we turned on the engine now, it (pointing to the butterfly-valve) would just open up and suck in air, right?
Dad: Actually, it would suck in the sock.
Me: I forgot that was there.
Dad: Yep. You'd have a burned sock come out of the tailpipe.
Both of us laughed.
Me: (After pausing to think about the implications of a sock actually getting into the combustion chamber without leaving a valve open, which isn't good for the crankshaft, and the lack of air in the combustion chamber if the sock could actually even make its way up the intake manifold in the first place, I concluded that our mental image of black pieces of cotton flying out of the tailpipe was not correct.)

Another time while we were eating sloppy Joes, my dad wondered why there isn't such a thing as a female version of the name.
Me: Like a "sloppy Jane"?
Dad: Or it could be a "sloppy Jean".
Me: What about a...

We eventually concluded that we could not come up with a politically correct female name for a sloppy Joe, which, when you think about it, is stupid. It's like trying to call a Burger King a Burger Queen (or something like that).

1 comment:

Allie said...

haha. Randomness can be fun. :) Daddy and I have had similar conversation s about sloppy joes. My dad's brothers names are Dean, Joe and Derek. Frequently, daddy changes the name of sloppy Joe to Sloppy dean or Sloppy Derek.