Thursday, September 27, 2007

Give a little bit...

I heard a song on the radio today and something was revealed to me.

I cannot ask God to do anything in my life if I'm not going to give Him everything. I can't just sit here and say, "Change me, God," and just give Him some sin problem that I have. I need to give Him my hopes, my dreams, my fears, my delights, my tasks, my work, my ideas, and my thoughts. EVERYTHING that I think, say, or do needs to brought to Him. Giving Him just one or two things and then asking Him to change me is like saying, "Here are two nails and a two-by-four. I want you to build me a house." Of course it's possible for God to do it anyways, but then do I really have free will if he changes me without me being totally willing to give myself up?

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